Wednesday, September 13, 2006

IEEE Xplore Upgrade

On Saturday 16 September, IEEE will release a major system upgrade to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
As a result of this upgrade, users may experience up to 12 hours of downtime beginning at approximately 9:00 EDT (-5 UTC). IEEE Xplore 2.1.4 will be OpenURL compatible, which provides a standardized syntax for organizing bibliographic metadata and identifiers in a URL and transferring data between information services. Links are enabled between unsubscribed content in IEEE Xplore to a library resolver, leading users to appropriate resources within their institution. With this enhancement, librarians can work with
commercially available link resolver software to fully enable their publication catalog. OpenURL will be provided in these areas:
* Search results
* References
* Brief abstracts
* IEEE Book abstracts
Other features of the IEEE Xplore 2.1.4 upgrade include:
* RefWorks and Bibtex format downloadable citations from IEEE
AbstractPlus records, search results, and tables of contents
* Monthly lists of each periodical's most-downloaded articles
* Watermarked PDF documents, illustrating the value of your library subscription
This release continues the successful launch of IEEE Xplore 2.0 An additional update is planned for release before the end of 2006.