Thursday, May 03, 2007

Classical Scores Library PDF Issue

The PDF scores in Classical Scores Library may not load correctly for every user. Classical Scores Library was deliberately built around industry standard software, like Adobe Reader, because company wanted to ensure the widest compatibility with the broad range of hardware and software combinations used by the patrons. This problem appears to be caused by a few specific combinations of software and settings and the publisher is working closely with affected users to identify the cause and remedy the situation.Unfortunately, due to a wide range of factors, including user and network security settings and multiple browser and reader combinations, it is very difficult to accurately predict the amount of time it will take to remedy the situation.Until the publisher has a solution, there are some steps you can take to improve our user experience. While the problem is not confined to one particular browser, Firefox appears to have the least amount of difficulty displaying the PDFs. If possible, please try using Firefox as your browser. If you are using Internet Explorer and find that the PDFs load partially or not at all, please try refreshing your browser page to reload the document.