Thursday, October 11, 2007

Recently Acquired from ProQuest

C19: the Nineteenth Century Index is an important addition to both our indexing coverage of 19th century publications as well as a complement to selected full-text resources for this period. It is difficult to encapsulate all that this resource provides so it is most useful to explore it on your own, but this quote from the ProQuest web site offers a useful overview:

"C19 Index draws on the strength of established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index and Periodicals Index Online to create integrated bibliographic coverage of over 1.4 million books and official publications, 64,891 archival collections and 15.6 million articles published in over 2,500 journals, magazines and newspapers. C19 Index now provides integrated access to 10 bibliographic indexes, including over 300,000 records from the ongoing digitization of British Periodicals Collection I."

The Historic Los Angeles Sentinel provides full-text access to THE most important African-American newspaper published in Los Angeles, from its founding in 1946 through 2005. This acquisition greatly strengthens our electronic resource offerings in African-American studies, particularly for Los Angeles. There's much more we need to do but this is a major addition.

ProQuest Latin American Newsstand exponentially expands our available coverage of Latin American newspapers and news wires. Full-text coverage is available for 41 titles from all over Latin America, commencing in most instances with either 2004 or 2005. USC's acquisition of this resource was facilitated by a very significant discount made available to a small group of ARL libraries with significant Latin American interests and was coordinated locally by Barbara Robinson.