Monday, March 03, 2008

JSTOR New Platform Preview Available

We are happy to let you know that work on a new JSTOR platform is nearing completion. The interface has been updated with a new look, and more tools and capabilities for users have been integrated into the system. The new platform will also provide a more flexible foundation for future development, allowing us to add features and a greater array of scholarly content. Several projects are already underway that will introduce monographs, manuscripts, and pamphlets into the archive.

The new platform will replace the current JSTOR site. We currently anticipate a launch in mid-March. In preparation, we invite you to explore a preview of the new site. Through this preview you can become acquainted with the new JSTOR interface, sample the functionality, and let us know what you think.

The preview can be accessed by going to the JSTOR sandbox at

In the sandbox you will also find:

  • information about new features
  • tips for sending us your comments
  • information on support and plans for training, including webinars, tutorials, handouts, and prepared screen shots

A primary goal of the new platform is to enhance the user experience and to better address and support the research objectives of JSTOR users. Development has been informed by user feedback, interviews, focus groups, usability studies, and beta testing with students, researchers, librarians, and publishers. As we prepare for the launch, we will continue to monitor closely the messages and feedback we receive from you.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. If you have any questions at all, please contact


Sherry Aschenbrenner
Director, JSTOR User Services