Monday, August 29, 2005

Minor update to IEEE Xplore online systems coming 31 August.

On Wednesday, 31 August, IEEE will implement a minor maintenance release to
the IEEE Xplore online delivery system.

As a result, users will experience approximately two hours of downtime on
that date, between 10AM and 12PM.

This update includes the following changes:

* The fielded search option in Advanced Search will be amended to
maintain a consistent order of precedence when users search multiple
fields, regardless of the operators chosen.

* Session history will now display the full search query when the
query runs longer than one line.

* The tables of contents for Journals and Magazines will be
reorganized to make the ephemera list (such as editorial boards,
announcements, and author resources) easier for users to find.

* Standards metadata will display both the print and electronic ISBN

* Search results for books will display media type, edition, and ISBN.