Wednesday, September 20, 2006

WebFeat ProQuest problems

It's been noticed that there seems to be problems with certain databases in WebFeat with the "USC Content Connection" button. The one that appears to be consistent across all databases and all resources are for the Prquest family of products. If a Proquest database is where the full text of an article resides and you click on the USC Content Connection link on the WebFeat results page, you will receive an authentication cookie error. This has been reported to WebFeat. In the meantime, you should select the "View" button instead and then use the USC Content Connection from there. This appears to be a WebFeat problem. The USC Content Connection link should work on all other resources.

When you find holdings discrepancies for electronic resources among our various databases and catalogs, please report them to Lana Litvan,

Deborah Holmes-Wong, Project Manager
USC Libraries