Monday, March 03, 2008

Help Test JSTOR Peformance on 3/4/08

Dear JSTOR Participant:

In preparation for launching the new JSTOR platform, we invite you to help us try to reach maximum capacity on the servers that deliver the preview of the new JSTOR. We want to ensure that the new platform will perform under extreme usage conditions.

What to do: Sometime between 3:00 and 4:00 EST (20:00-21:00 GMT) on Tuesday, March 4, 2008, please access the JSTOR Preview site ( and search and browse as you normally would in JSTOR. We would appreciate even a few minutes of your time during this hour.

JSTOR Developers will be monitoring the performance of the preview site, so you may simply enter and exit at your convenience.

As always, we value your use of JSTOR. This test will help to ensure that the new platform when launched will deliver the performance you expect.

Best regards,

Sherry Aschenbrenner
Director, JSTOR User Services